Supreme Court Associate Justice Marvic Leonen and the chairperson for the upcoming 2020 Bar examination announced that they are preparing to pilot-test a computerized Bar exam.
Leonen made this announcement his keynote speech for the online oath-taking of the 2019 Bar passers. There was no confirmation if the planned pilot-testing will be implemented in the next examination.
“I have also been given the go signal to drive a project to examine the various digital platforms for a pilot test in computerizing the Bar, including how applicants answer the exam questions,” he said.
Leonen also emphasized that the Bar exams was not gauge of a lawyer’s true worth.
“The bar is merely a qualifying examination, not a determinant of how good you will be as a lawyer,” Leonen said.
“Keep in mind that this title will not fully define or constitute who you are. You are more than your degrees and your professional titles. They are your masks behind these masks and titles,” Leonen added.