DOJ lists 5 gov’t agencies likely to face corruption probe

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Following the president’s order to investigate the entire government for corruption, the Department of Justice released a list of 5 state agencies it would likely begin with probes.

Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra said these include state insurer PhilHealth, the “usual suspects” Bureau of Customs and Bureau of Internal Revenue, the Land Registration Authority, and the Department of Public Works and Highways.

The agency will form a mega task force composed of the same members of the group which investigated PhilHealth to help look into state departments. Moreover, lifestyle checks will be conducted by the justice department by making use of Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net worth in its investigations,.

Lawmakers and members of other government branches are not exempt from probes if they are involved in criminals or corrupt acts with the executive department, Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra added.

House committees to hold hearings during break

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Spread the loveMANILA – The House of Representatives has authorized for its committees to conduct hearings during the five-week congressional break, extending until late April.