Majority of Filipinos seem to carry with them a hopeful view for the year 2021 despite the setbacks and difficulties posed by the COVID-19 health crisis, recent surveys showed.
The Social Weather Stations on Tuesday, December 29, reported that 91% of Filipino adults are welcoming the New Year with hope, against 7% who said they are in fear.
They noted, however, that this is the least optimistic rating since 2009, where only 89% of respondents said they were hopeful about the year ahead.
The survey ran from November 21-25 through face-to-face interviews with 1,500 adults –– their first since the local coronavirus outbreak started in March.
Last week, the pollster reported that only 50% of adults expected their Christmas to be happy this year due to the pandemic.
Pulse Asia also conducted a survey which showed that 91% of Filipinos are optimistic about the coming year.
The survey firm interviewed 2,400 Filipino adults from Nov. 23 to Dec. 2, and only 1% said they are facing the coming year hopeless, while 8% were undecided or ambivalent. The figures were the same as last year’s survey results, the group said.
Meanwhile, 55% of Filipinos earlier said they expected this Christmas season to be as prosperous as last year’s celebration. This view was mostly shared by respondents from Metro Manila (60%), the rest of Luzon (60%) and Visayas (55%) as well as socioeconomic classes A, B, C and D.
Both SWS and Pulse Asia said their surveys were not commissioned, with sampling error margins at ±2.5% and ±2%, respectively.