MANILA – Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief of staff Gen. Andres Centino said the visit of the delegates of the National Defense College United Arab Emirates (NDC UAE) to the military’s headquarters in Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City on Monday is an “opportunity to build relations with allies”.
The study tour and visit, which runs from March 11 to 18, aims to develop mutual understanding and foster good defense relations between the Philippines and UAE.
The 19-member delegation is headed by Brigadier Staff Pilot Khalifa Butti Thani Alshamsi, AFP public affairs office chief Col. Jorry Baclor said in a statement Monday night.
“It is important to realize that there are better things seen from the outside,” Centino said during a conversation with Alhamsi and the delegation. The AFP chief also emphasized the significance of dynamic exchanges of information to acquire better perspectives and create good relations with the country’s partners and allies.
“Furthermore, he encouraged the pursuit of more robust defense and security cooperation between the two countries. Likewise, the CSAFP (Chief of Staff AFP) urged the delegates to enjoy their week-long stay in the Philippines,” Baclor said.
Meanwhile, Alshamsi thanked Centino for welcoming their team and shared the NDC UAE’s objective of sharing perspectives about policies and strategies.
“The delegates were briefed on the mandate and function of the AFP organization, as well as the AFP Transformation Roadmap, our 15-year strategy in becoming a world-class armed force,” Baclor said.