PSA: More than 65 million national IDs issued

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MANILA — The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) stated that the government has issued over 65 million physical and digital national IDs as of this month.

In a statement yesterday, the PSA said the total number of issued Philippine Identification and electronic PhilIDs or ePhilIDs is now at 65,050,382.

Of the figure, 31,204,200 PhilIDs had been delivered as of May 19 while 33,846,182 are ePhilIDs that had been issued as of May 20.

“In less than a month, more than five million registered individuals are included in the growing number of Filipinos with PhilIDs and ePhilIDs and may now enjoy the benefits of being registered to the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys),” national statistician and civil registrar general Dennis Mapa said.

Mapa said the public could expect the PSA to continue to work on the delivery of PhilIDs and ePhilIDs to every registered individual in the country.

The PSA said it continues to work closely with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas for the production and printing of PhilIDs as well as with the Philippine Postal Corp. for their delivery.

As for ePhilIDs, these are being issued through registration centers as well as house-to-house and plaza-type distribution.

To check if they can already claim their ePhilIDs, PhilSys-registered individuals can visit

Those who have received an official text message from the PSA may also download a portable document format or PDF copy of the ePhilID on their mobile devices.

Given the increasing number of issued PhilIDs, the PSA said it has started reaching out to individuals whose PhilID photos were peeled off for replacement.

House committees to hold hearings during break

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Spread the loveMANILA – The House of Representatives has authorized for its committees to conduct hearings during the five-week congressional break, extending until late April.